Tonight's TV Listings

The New A-Team - 8 pm - “Fedorable” - Ace lady reporter Tawnia Baker reunites with the gang to help rescue original team member Templeton “Faceman” Peck, who has become obsessed with Twitter and his promotion of Men’s Rights Activism after a messy third divorce.

Tinder Mercies - 8:30 pm - “Pilot” - Ashley is a single twenty-something in New York with a studio apartment in Manhattan and no discernible income. Follow along with Ash and her quirky friends Jessica, Brittany, Black Amanda, and Gay Brandon, as they swipe right on the path to romance and career success.

Mal’s Practice - 9 pm - “Toxic” - Brilliant twenty-something veterinary surgeon Mallory Kinkaide must track down the source of a string of chocolate-related overdoses among Topeka’s elite show dog community, all while trying to get and keep the romantic attention of the handsome, socially inept, and brilliant pet therapist Kristopher Mathews before his character is suddenly killed off next season.

Soldiers of Wheel of Fortune - 10 pm - “Episode 1” - In this exciting new reality show, past champions of Wheel of Fortune find themselves dropped off in unstable geo-political climates and challenged to find their way home safely while solving increasingly difficult word puzzles. In tonight’s first challenge, Sylvia must somehow kill a Colombian drug lord before she can buy a vowel.

A version of these TV listings first appeared in publication for Friendlytown: The Zine (Vol. 1). Friendlytown: The Zine is a zine produced by Tyler Sonnichsen to promote the weekly Knoxville experimental comedy show known as Friendlytown. You can come out to watch Friendlytown almost every Monday at the Pilot Light in Knoxville's Old City with an open mic at 7:30 (Eastern) followed by comedy based on a different theme each week. As a matter of fact, I'll be guest hosting the next edition of Friendlytown on Monday, April 16, "Friendlytown Gets Audited."